Barbara Ortiz

Barbara Ortiz - Painter

Capturing a moment of joyful observation and sharing that moment on canvas through the use of light and shadow, textures and edges in her representational oil paintings and pastel paintings is the reason she paints.

She enjoys the challenge of working in plein air. Due to the ever-changing light, holding onto that original visual image and incorporating a sense of weather and time of day takes immense focus. Barbara says "This is my happy place."

Barbara took life drawing classes in the North Jersey Art Center while in high school. She studied fine art at Monmouth College and Fairleigh Dickenson University.

In 1984, Barbara moved to Cancun, Mexico where she resided until 1994. During that time, she owned and operated an interior decorating business. Upon returning to the United States, Barbara, along with her husband and two children, settled in Florida.

Barbara resumed studying oil painting and pastel. She began painting plein air in 2011. Plein air painting beautifully joined her love of painting with her love of the outdoors.

Barbara has participated in a number of invitational shows and paint outs. She has been recognized with awards for her work in both pastel and oil.
