I paint Power and Energy. Not just landscape or portrait, but energy behind that. With my paintings and murals I transform space and help people find harmony. The pictures I painted do not just complement the interior, they do not just harmonize it, they can change your life for the better. How?
When I come to any place, I feel its energy, I am filled with emotions. Each place carries its own Power. It can be Beauty, Love, Magic or Alertness, Unknown, Interest etc. Often I cannot even name the nature of this power in words. But I can convey it in the painting and mural.
When I didn't have the opportunity to paint, I took a photos. And again and again I was convinced that the photograph did not convey my feelings. But my paintings and murals are transmitted!
I don't know how I do it. I feel like I am an instrument in the hands of the Universe. This is more than a person is able to realize, can feel.
When I didn't have the opportunity to paint, I took a photos. And again and again I was convinced that the photograph did not convey my feelings. But my paintings and murals are transmitted!
I don't know how I do it. I feel like I am an instrument in the hands of the Universe. This is more than a person is able to realize, can feel.
When I didn't have the opportunity to paint, I took a photos. And again and again I was convinced that the photograph did not convey my feelings. But my paintings and murals are transmitted!
I don't know how I do it. I feel like I am an instrument in the hands of the Universe. This is more than a person is able to realize, can feel.
When other people, seeing my paintings and murals, feel what I wanted to convey, this is the most valuable thing for me. It means that everything worked out!
When my paintings and murals change the space of the house, harmonize it, make the life of people in this house better, this is pure happiness. I have no words for this. Everything is said in my paintings. See, feel, bring harmony and happiness to your home.