Membership Shows:
Plein Air Events:
Care & Concern:
Web Coordinators: Jill Cross
Demo Programs: Carmen Civit
Publicity: Jill Hoppes, Johny Blunt

● Determines dates and scheduling for SSAA Shows
● Coordinates venue, theme and logistics of the show
● Works with publicity chair to advertise the show
● Coordinates entry forms, entry requirements
● Coordinates drop off, hanging, and pickup of entries
● Selects and approves judge for juried shows
● Coordinates ordering awards
● Prepares judging forms, art piece list, artist list
● Coordinates the judge's schedule with the show schedule

●Coordinate and research opportunities for SSAA to participate in community events
● Contact businesses and other groups for donations and/or sponsorship for SSAA
● Solicit new members from the local artist community
● Work with the Publicity Committee to achieve these goals

Establish contacts with local media outlets

Coordinate the website function and content
Update events and member information as needed
Work with Website Provider to maintain relevance
Work with members to provide acceptable content